General Information

Yemen Mainland Tours

Visit the Hadramout region

With direct flights from Cairo to Seiyun, it’s never been easier to travel to Hadramout, Yemen.

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Yemen General Information

Yemen Three Thousand Years:

Arts & Civilization:

Location: The Republic of Yemen is located in the southern part of the Arabian peninsula. Neighbors are Saudi-Arabia in the north and the Sultanate of Oman in the east. On the west it borders the Red Sea, in the south the Indian Ocean.

  Area and Population: The total area of Yemen is approximately 555.000 sq. km, excluding the Al-Rubu' AlKhali desert. with a population of about 18 Million.

Climate: The climate of Yemen differs from region to region and from season to season. One can differentiate three zones: Tihama and the coast of the Indian Ocean, the mountains of northern Yemen and Rub Al- Khali and the eastern massive of former South-Yemen. In the Tihama and on the coast of the Indian Ocean temperatures are high in summer (over 40 C at daytime) with extremely high humidity. Moderate temperatures between 30 and 35 C at daytime prevail in winter. In this season the

humidity is low and during the night it cools down. In the mountains 30 C are rarely exceeded in the hottest time of the day in summer (winter: 25 C), caused by a constant, light wind. At night temperature drops from 8 to 13 C; over 3000m even to the freezing point in winter. The monsoon in March/April and August/September brings short but heavy rain, especially in the afternoon. The humidity is low throughout the year. The deserts of Yemen are dry and hot. Rain is rare and temperatures reach 45 C in summer and 30 to 35 C in winter.  

Language: Official language is Arabic, with English as the second language.  

Religion : Islam is the official religion. All Yemenis are Muslims, except a Jewish minority who enjoy equal citizenship rights according to the Yemeni constitution .  Currency and Foreign Exchange The currency in Yemen is the Rail (Kindly see the daily Money Exchange). Foreign currencies can be exchanged at banks, exchanges offices and hotels. Credit Cards, American Express, Visa Cards are accepted in some hotels and banks in Sana’a city and other main cities( see banks).

Time zone :  

Greenwich mean time ( GMT )   + 3 hrs. Visas : Visas may be obtained in advance from Yemeni consulates and Embassies.                 Visa may also be issued on arrival point in Yemeni ports.

 Yemen is a Muslim country and it is important that, as guests of the country, everyone should respect the local customs. Yemenis do tend to dress modestly so shorts, skimpy tops and tight clothes should be avoided, for either sex. It is advisable to bring with you warmer clothes for the cold mountainous areas, and light clothes for warm deserts and coastal areas. • Electricity

The voltage in Yemen is often 220v. Five stars hotels provide 220v. or 110v.

• Official working hours in Yemen

The public offices open daily from 8:00am until 3:00 pm except Thursdays and Fridays. In Ramadan Month, the working time starts at 10 am and finishes at 3 pm.

• Public Holidays

Weekends, two days, Thursdays and Fridays. Annual Fixed Holidays are: May 1 (Labor Day) May 22 (National Day of Unity in 1990) September 26 (National Day of Yemeni Revolution in 1962) October 14 (National day of Liberation of South Yemen from the British

  • Accommodation

    Secure local boutique hotels.

  • Guides

    An expert English-speaking local guide/fixer and driver.

  • Transport

    All transport to complete the itinerary.

  • Food

    All meals & water are included.

  • Activities

    All activities & entrance fees unless otherwise stated.

  • Visa

    Visa and security clearance. We will apply for these on your behalf and send you a copy of the visa before you travel.

  • Flights

    Flights to and from Yemen ($890)

  • Tips

    Tips are expected for your local guides and driver.

  • Travel Insurance

    A must for this trip.

  • Yemeni Traditional Clothing

    It's important to blend in with local dress.

safe travelling yemen with caravan tours


Yemen Tour FAQs

We only visit the Hadramout region on this tour which is considered safe. We research the security of our destinations highly and safety is a priority, however we also advise you to do your own research as well to ensure you are comfortable with your trip.


The best time to visit is from October to March when the temperatures are comfortable in central & eastern Yemen


There is a direct flight to Seiyun, Yemen from Cairo, Egypt.


USD cash is the most widely accepted.

There are no ATMs and credit cards are not accepted anywhere.


Group size will be no more than 10 travellers.

We’ll be a convoy of comfortable cars .

Every night is in a quality local hotel with twin room sharing. You can upgrade to single rooms if you wish.


Not at all! We can cater to all diets.


Travel insurance is a must. 


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From October to March


5 nights in Mainland Yemen


Extra Charge - $900 USD


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Caravan Tours

Caravan Tours is a private , wholly Yemeni owned company, which is committed to develop forms of tourism which bring real benefits to both visitors and hosts. As a private company , Caravan Tours cannot set policy on how tourism in Yemen should develop but we are constantly seeking, through contacts with other travel agents and with national and regional government and through our example, to contribute to the national debate and to the framing of a code for responsible tourism practice. Caravan Tours firmly believes that tourism development should be in line with national and regional development plans and priorities, and that scarce resources should not be diverted to create a parallel infrastructure solely for the use of visitors. In our operations, we look to see how we can achieve “leakage”- how receipts from tourism can generate income and create jobs locally   Caravan Tours is conscious of the damaging environmental impact unplanned tourism development can have. In our trekking and expedition tours, we carry for example mineral water in jerry cans (and not in half-lit re- plastic-bottles) to avoid plastic rubbish. Caravan Tours wants to break down the barriers between visitor and hosts, liberating visitors from the “quarantine” they often find themselves in, and promote real meetings and interaction between visitors and host communities.