Yemen tours

Yemen Tours 2024 Updated

Yemen Tours visit in 2024

Good morning, everyone! Today i am exploring Yemen with Yemen Tours on day 1, we’re off to explore a new city called Tyrim. Let’s see what exciting things we can discover today! Last night was a bit different because we lost power and it got a little warm, but we managed to survive! Let’s see what today brings!

yemen tours

Breakfast Time in Yemen:

Let’s enjoy our breakfast of bread and eggs! Oh, I thought this was Coke Zero, but it’s actually an energy drink called Code Red. It’s not like the one back home, but it’s still pretty tasty!

Yemen foods
Yemen foods

Visiting to see a Unique Oven in Yemen:

I was invited to see a really cool oven they use to make bread. Look at the finished bread – it’s so big and yummy-looking!

Yemen trip and travel guide
Yemen trip and travel guide

Exploring Tribal Traditions of Yemen:

We had a change of plans and decided to have tea at a local tribe’s house. We were invited inside and saw a beautiful sitting room. I even got to speak with the women of the tribe, but there were some rules about filming.

yemen weddings and dance
yemen weddings and dance

Learning about Daily Life of Yemen:

I asked the women what they do every day, like taking care of animals or cooking and cleaning. They told me about their daily tasks and how they spend their free time.

yemen tours

Sharing Impressions of my Yemen Tours 2024:

I told them about my impressions of Yemen and how safe I feel here. They were warm and curious, just like me!

Yemen trip and travel guide 2024
Yemen trip and travel guide 2024

Exploring Desert Villages in Yemen:

We made a few stops to explore some abandoned villages. It was cool to see the old mud houses and imagine what life was like there.

yemen tours 2024

Visiting a Prophet’s Tomb:

One of our stops was at the burial tomb of the Prophet Hood. It was beautiful and clean, even though there were hardly any visitors.

Enjoying Dinner Together:

We finally reached Tyrim, and just in time for dinner! The restaurant was dark until we arrived, but then we had a lovely meal together.

yemen traditional food
yemen traditional food

Settling In for the Night:

I’m all settled into my room now. It’s much nicer and cleaner than the last one! I even have a view of the gardens outside.

Next Day 2 :-

Exploring Yemen Adventures of Two Buddies!

Hey friends! Welcome! Today, I’m hanging out with my buddy Peter. He looks super cool, doesn’t he? We’re going on an adventure to see something really big in Yemen, like a giant door! It’s super old, maybe even older than 300 years. Let’s go check it out together! Come along with us!

Learning About Special Things for Hair and Body

Did you know people use special things for their bodies and hair? They even think it’s like medicine because it makes them look pretty! Peter sells some of these special things, and he says they’re really good for hair and making your body nice.

Yemen traditional dress
Yemen traditional dress

Walking Through History: Exploring Yemen’s Oldest House

We’re walking through the oldest house in Yemen! It’s so old, some people think it’s been here for 500 or even 3000 years! Wow, that’s really, really old!

Adventures in Getting Kicked Out

Uh oh! We got kicked out of a building because there were too many people inside. We have to be careful and stay far apart from others.

Overall it was a great adventure in Yemen:)

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